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Friendship Circle Miami 


What Is Friendship circle?

    The friendship circle is an incredible global organization that seeks to provide “happiness and companionship to children and young adults with special needs by celebrating their individuality, as well as bringing energy, support, and peace of mind to their families”(Friendship Circle).


    They recognize that every person has a unique purpose and by focusing on what you can do rather than what you can’t, you can help to build a more inclusive environment. Friendship circle has chapters in local communities that help build friendships for kids with special needs, and help provide volunteering and fundraising opportunities.


    Founded in 2004, the Miami chapter of Friendship circle has been a pillar of inclusion in the City of Miami. They are committed to raising awareness and making sure parents are well equipped to deal with children with special needs. They have multiple ways to get involved with their organizaiton including, volunteering to be a buddy, becoming a care taker, and helping to volunteer at many fundraising events! “Friendship Circle is made up of five parts: volunteers, children, parents, staff, and supporters. The true beauty of the Circle is how we all link together to form a seamless circle of friendship. Together, we can perform miracles” (Friendship Circle Miami).


    Just a brief read through of their testimonials page shows you just how much impact they have had on their local community. From kids finally having friend groups, to adults feeling like they’ve become better people through volunteering and all around people seem to have gained better communication skills.


    Friendship Circle Miami also has an incredible Young Ambassadors program! These young ambassadors consist of kids who were participants or volunteers in the program and now seek to advocate for and spread awareness for Friendship Circle! “Participating teens engage with local government and civic organizations, sponsors, board members and other community leaders in order to enable them to mobilize their community towards positive change” (Friendship Circle Miami). The Ambassadors are the pillars of Friendship Circle and truly embody what their mission statement is all about.


Running a global program like Friendship Circle is not easy or cheap, consider reaching out to your local chapter to find ways to donate your time to assist in their cause! Friendship Circle and Friendship Circle Miami have done just an incredible job at increasing awareness and advocacy for kids with special needs and we want this work to continue in the future.

What is the best buddy system?

      The Best Buddy System in Tallahassee is an amazing organization that “focuses on fostering lifelong friendships between students of Florida State who are members of Best Buddies, are paired with people in the Tallahassee Community who have an intellectual or developmental disability. We celebrate these unique friendships by hosting events at least once a month. FSU Best Buddies currently manages over 80 buddy pairs and over 200 college members” (FSU Best Buddies).


   Best Buddies International is a non-profit organization that creates opportunities for one to one friendships, integrated employment, leadership development and inclusive living for those with mental disabilities,Including those with Down Syndrome. 


     One way to get involved with the Best Buddy System is by being a peer buddy! Being a peer buddy means being paired one to one with and individual with intellectual and developmental disability. You are required to spend time with your buddy at least twice a month. “This rewarding experience shatters the social stigma of having a "disability" and celebrates the idea of friendships between people of all abilities. If you're interested, reach out to us for more information about the application and interview process” (FSU Best Buddies).


      Another way to get involved with the Best Buddy System is by being an associate buddy! Associate buddies are the perfect way to get involved for people who might not have a lot of extra time to commit to the program! “Associate Members are not assigned to an individual buddy. They instead dedicate their time to assisting the club through volunteer work at our meetings, events, and promotional occasions. Associate members are still encouraged to make friendships with all of our incredible buddies and attend our diverse events!” (FSU Best Buddies)


     The Best Buddy System hosts lots of fun events every year that include but aren’t limited to; Trunk or Treat, Gala, Palentine’s, and Friendsgiving! These events allow the individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to participate in these events in a safe and inclusive environment.


     The Best Buddy System in Tallahassee and across the country has assisted in fair legislature and more inclusive environments all around for those with these disabilities. Research your local chapter, become a buddy or research other ways and find a way to give back and continue this awesome work.

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